Go Green!

Green, in all its shades, is news. The Pantone colour of the year in 2017, it hit the catwalks and is now edging us through spring and into summer.
From the high street to the big hitters, Gucci, Marni and Balenciaga among them, green is having a moment. Of course, Ops&Ops have a version with our latest style, the No15 wedge in rich Emerald suede.
Green, perhaps more than any colour, can divide. It signals health and nature, money and wealth, rejuvenation and new starts. But also sickness, jealousy and envy.
Fashion, too, has had a tempestuous relationship with it. A tricky hue to achieve, in Victorian times high levels of arsenic found their way into cloth dyes, yet by the 1920s it was a favourite of the flapper generation.
It perfectly suited the 1960s and 1970s, going hand in hand with all that was new and changing. From album-cover art to Brigitte Bardot’s emerald hairband, Barbarella‘s leotard and Twiggy’s head-to-toe verdant ensemble, green was a force.

There is plenty to choose right now in all tones, whether you want to go full-on or add just as an accessory. Here are some of our favourites to go green – and all a perfect match, or foil, for our Emerald suede wedge mules.

We are supporters of conservation charity World Land Trust and want to help their Plant A Tree campaign. So, for every pair of Emerald suede wedge mules you buy from now through Sunday 20 May, we’ll give you £25 off and donate £25 to them. Use code GOGREEN at checkout!